The 1-day ‘Cleanse’ That Won’t Make You Hangry
One of the most valuable things Debbie Kim, an acupuncturist, herbalist, and nutritionist, has taught me is that a purification process (what others may refer to as a cleanse or detox) can be a glorious recharge button that wipes the slate clean of any unwanted graffiti that cover your true masterpiece. When someone does a more traditional cleanse, they...
Celebs Like Jennifer Aniston Swear By Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
Intermittent fasting is a popular weight-loss diet among celebs, but so far research hasn't definitively proved that it produces better results than eating regular meals.People who do intermittent fasting will restrict when or how much they can eat in a given period of time, like only eating within an eight-hour window each day.If you're interested in trying intermittent fasting,...
This Is What a Nutritionist Really Thinks of 16:8 Fasting
Silicon Valley moguls, celebrities, and social media influencers alike prescribe to the 16:8 diet, a form of intermittent fasting also known as the 8-hour diet. Proponents claim that restricting mealtimes — you eat during an 8-hour window each day and fast the rest of the time — helps with everything from weight loss to lowering the risk of...
Your Perfect Body Game Plan for 2018
Let’s not kid each other: as much as we hit the gym to feel awesome, live longer, compete with our buddies, relieve stress, and, of course, have a damn good time slinging giant pieces of steel, it doesn’t hurt that working out makes us look damn good, too. Which means that, if you’re a guy seeking to round out your...
Healthy Mediterranean Flatbreads to Satisfy Your Pizza Cravings
Who's up for a pizza night? These Mediterranean flatbreads will satisfy your hankering for pizza, minus all of the grease. Plus, they're ready in 20 minutes flat. (Here are eight more healthy pizza alternatives.) ...
Everything You Need to Know About Weight Watchers' New Plans
If you're looking for help getting started on a healthy routine in the new year, you may be considering Weight Watchers. It was just named the best diet of 2020 for the 10th year in a row, based on expert rankings released by U.S. News & World Report. Healthcare providers and nutritionists alike praise Weight Watchers (now formally known...
The Nutrition Plan to Lose the Last Few Pounds
People who are trying to lose weight often confront the same problem: They lose enough weight to get close to their goals, and then their progress totally stalls. They wind up stonewalled, five pounds short of their ideal body weight. The solution: A strong weight-loss program. As in many pursuits, it takes a lot of dedication and focus to lose...
Why Losing Weight Doesn’t Always Lead to Body Confidence
At her highest weight of 263 pounds, Leah K. didn't think she could be more unhappy with her body. The 33-year-old had been battling her weight her entire adult life. And despite her best efforts to exercise and eat healthfully, the weight wasn't budging. Not only was she suffering from chronic physical health problems, but the years of dieting...
Fitness Coach Shares Instagram Posts That Will Forever Change the Way You Think About Dieting
Getting back into a healthy routine in the new year might mean you'll be keeping a closer eye on what you eat — but it definitely shouldn't mean obsessing over how many calories you eat every day. If there's one health lesson to adopt in the new year, it's that moderation is key; often, restrictive diets that harp on...
An enriched environment helps heal young, injured brains
An enriched environment--with increased opportunities for physical activity, socialization and exploring novel stimuli--helped lessen functional, anatomical and cellular deficits in an experimental model of brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation at birth. What's more, recovery of the brain's white matter required a combination of all experimental interventions, not just a single intervention, suggests a new study led by researchers...